Date: 7/18/2009
Time: 4:30-6:00pm
Body of water: Poplar Lake
Location: Gunflint Trail
Weather Conditions: Overcast with some sun, Westerly breeze
Water temp: 61 degrees
After the scouting we did earlier, a bunch of us decided to try to catch the fish we saw on the fish finder. We went back to the Southern shore and again, we saw lots of fish.
Ken was trolling with a deep diving Rapala that got to 15-20 ft. My brother-in-law, George, dropped a jighead with a plastic grub to about 20 ft. My daughter had on a leech with a Beaver flick that I dropped between 12 to 20 ft. And working on the assumption that the fish could be walleye, I used a bottom bouncer with 3 ft of line that ended in a Beaver flick and a leech.
We made three passes across the shore, but no one was getting any hits. I had one tick that may have been a bite, but the leech appeared unharmed when I pulled it up.
Overall, a disappointing outing.