Another Good Morning of Ice Fishing

Posted by MNAngler On February - 6 - 2010

Species: Crappie
Size: 9″, 8″, 8″
Lure used: yellow beaver flick with live minnow

Date: 2/6/2010
Time: 8:00 -10:30am
Body of water: An Iced Over Lake
Location: Somewhere in the North Metro
Weather Conditions: overcast and windy

I went out this morning with my neighbors, Steve and Rob, and one of Rob’s buddies, Greg. Mark had family commitments and couldn’t make it. We headed out to the same lake we were on two weeks ago. We met at 7:30am and were on the lake with lines in the water by 8:00.

We set up camp a little further East than we were last time because we were looking for a pile of rocks where we find walleye during open water season. We used an iPhone app that Greg had and it landed us right on top of the rock pile. We had to walk about 50 ft South before we were finally off of it. We got Steve’s shelter set up and within seconds of dropping my line into the water, my bobber went down. I pulled up a nice 9″ Crappie, the first and largest of the day.

The holes in the shelter were at about 18 ft and we had holes outside at about 12 ft. Steve pulled out two 6-7 inchers out of one of the outside holes. Rob caught two smaller ones outside, also. I had no luck outside.

Later in the morning, the wind started picking up and all four of us retreated to Steve’s shelter. I caught two more 8 inchers and missed another that pulled my bobber all the way down. The fish seemed to like my yellow beaver flick more than the jigs the other guys were using.

This morning, I also tried my hand at using the power auger. While it’s still easier than a manual auger, it still takes some work. It surprised me how much. Part of my problem is that I’m too short for it. At only 5′ 5″, I couldn’t get enough leverage to keep pressure on the ice when starting out. I ended up drilling my two holes at an angle, which is also harder than going straight down. The ice was about 30″ thick, so it felt like forever drilling those holes. I’m going to need to work out a little before drilling my next ones.

Mark, Steve, and Rob will be out tomorrow morning. This time I have the family commitments. My commitment isn’t until 10:30, though, so I might get up early and go visit them. Who knows, maybe I’ll get to pull up an unattended line.

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