Minnesota Bass Opener

Posted by MNAngler On May - 26 - 2010

The day is almost upon us–finally. The Minnesota Bass Opener is this Saturday. Ironically, I’ll be in Hayward, WI where the bass season is open for catch and release, but not for harvest.

However, I won’t be spending the entire Memorial Weekend in Hayward and look forward to hitting some local lakes with some bass busters on Monday.

I’ll be mostly shore-bound this weekend and will be limited to hitting the shallows. But there should still be bass hanging around the shore. I do have casting access to 12 ft hole in one area. Anyone have an opinion of where the fish will be in the Northland this weekend?

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3 Responses to “Minnesota Bass Opener”

  1. BP says:

    MN Angler

    Once again this year I am blogging a Bass Fishing Derby and as a MN Bass Fishing Blogger I want you in it.

    The dedicated blog is Bass Pundit Minnesocold Bass Bloggers Derby 2010 There you can get the scoop on the rules.

    I’m gonna subscribe to your blog by email, which for some reason I haven’t done yet. That way if you blog bass lengths or weights I will get bass into your tally.

    Only fish caught in MN count this year and it starts May 29th.

    Good Luck

  2. Wolfy says:

    I’d do the following from shore this weekend:

    1) Start wth a spinnerbait, throwing parralel to shore. Startas shallow as possible and gradually go deeper until it is as deep as possible.

    2) Work a Senko or 6″ worm in any obvious weed pockets.

    3) pitch the Senko to the OUTER edge of any obvious weedlines

    4) Rig a swimming jig and trailer, and slowly work it EVERYWHERE – bounce it off wood, through weedds, …

    • MNAngler says:

      Thanx for the advice, Wolfy. I used some of those techniques to no avail. Part of the problem was that my dad’s lake is one big weed bed. Most of it is 5 ft deep with only one 10 ft hole (that I couldn’t reach without a boat). But I still caught a nice muskie, so it wasn’t a complete loss.

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