Hunt.Fish.Feed Twin Cities Revisited

Posted by MNAngler On July - 20 - 2010

The Sportsman Channel held their Hunt.Fish.Feed event in Milwaukee today. It was their 7th event this year. In the article by the Milwaukee City Buzz Examiner, the Examiner posted videos from the first event in Las Vegas, and one held here in the Twin Cities. See if you can find me in the video.

The Twin Cities event was unique because it was run in conjunction with Fishapalooza 2010 on Forest Lake. The tournament anglers donated their catch to the Hunt.Fish.Feed event that was held in St. Paul the next day. I thought it was a great cause and happily volunteered my time along with Ben Gustafson of Ben G. Outdoors and Jim Braaten of Sportsman’s Blog. You can read about my experience in my post from earlier this year.

For more information about Hunt.Fish.Feed, visit their web site. They’ll be visiting three more cities before the end of the year. If they’re coming to a city near you, I encourage you to donate some of your game meat, or volunteer. It’s a good cause, and a fun event.

2 Responses to “Hunt.Fish.Feed Twin Cities Revisited”

  1. Michelle says:

    Thanks for helping us out! We fed a little over 400 people last night in Milwaukee and even had leftover Sloppy Joes for the shelter to use the next day. Our next stop is in San Diego where we will feed 1,500 people – so yeah, we need venison!!

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Michelle Scheuermann and Sportsman Channel, JoshDerouin. JoshDerouin said: RT @ladysportsman: Read @mnangler 's new blog post "Hunt.Fish.Feed Twin Cities Revisited" and see pics and videos from the event […]

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