It’s Not Christmas Season Yet!

Posted by MNAngler On November - 15 - 2010

Winter arrived in full force in Minnesota over the weekend. Depending on where you were, 3″-8″ fell on the ground. It was a wet, heavy snow that killed the power of about 100,000 residents just in the Twin Cities alone. I spent 2 hours trying to snowblow my driveway because the snow was so wet, it would clog up the chute of my mini-snowblower every two minutes or so. But it was still better than trying to shovel the stuff.

The reality of the end of the open water season in 2010 hit home. I put away my float-tube, hung up my rod and reels, and packed up my plastic lures for the season. There is a slim chance that it might warm up enough again to throw a few casts, but I’ve started to see ice form on some small ponds, so I’m not holding my breath.

And now, with the city looking like a Winter Wonderland, the inevitable sound of sleigh bells and thoughts of roasted chestnuts and mistletoe starts to creep into everyone’s consciousness. But at the risk of turning green, growing long spindly fingers, and getting the urge to raid Whoville, I have to say,

Wait just one damn minute!

It’s not even Thanksgiving yet and a local radio station has already started it’s annual tradition of playing Christmas music 24/7 that lasts for the next two months. Santa rode in on his sleigh with great fanfare to start asking kids what they want for Christmas at the Mall of America. Last year, I visited a Home Depot that had Christmas trees and larger than life-size inflatable Santas on display on October 5th. Really? If you’re going to start that early, why bother with any holiday after the Fourth of July?

Don’t get me wrong. I love Christmas. I love the lights on rooftops, the decorations all around town, and the wonder of kids’ eyes when they open their presents. I even enjoy the crowds at the shopping malls in December. There’s just something in the air that epitomizes the Spirit of Giving during that time of year.

But there is a time and place for everything. Do we really need to be playing Christmas music before the pumpkins even start rotting on our doorstep? Let me finish eating my kids candy and give me some time to appreciate my family and all I have before instilling the stress of having to find three presents for my wife (one from me and each of my two kids). And yes, that’s the only person I have to shop for, but that’s plenty, thank you very much. (However, since I don’t mind the crowds so much, I do get assignments where a beloved theme song has been known to play in the background and the piece of paper it’s written on self-destructs 5 seconds after I read it.)

The Holiday Season should be enjoyed and celebrated. But in this day of over commercialization and materialism, I would appreciate some time to finish recognizing one holiday before being thrust into the throws of another.

10 Responses to “It’s Not Christmas Season Yet!”

  1. It seems every year the season celebration starts earlier and earlier. I too prefer it after Thanksgiving.

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Todd Cordes, MNAngler. MNAngler said: It's Not Christmas Season Yet! […]

  3. Michelle says:

    You swore in your blog! I’ve often thought about it, but haven’t had the guts to do it yet. But I, too, don’t do ANYTHING for the holidays until after Thanksgiving. It just isn’t right.
    And we have ZERO snow in Wisconsin. HA-HA!!!

    • MNAngler says:

      Gosh, darnit. I did, didn’t I. That one is so common I didn’t even think about it. I wouldn’t use any words any worse than that. It’s just plain unnecessary and unprofessional. I don’t appreciate comics that swear every other word just to get laughs.

      My apologies to anyone that might be offended by the word above. It won’t be a regular thing, I promise.

  4. kmurray says:

    Great post and I personally think the swearing was a nice touch! It added the extra “umph” that you just couldn’t get with any other word.

  5. Mel says:

    Actually, quite enjoyed your rant. It is typical of my feelings for sure. I am really tired of the commericalization craze that hits this time of year. Sorry for adding to your rant!

    Do you do any ice fishing? I think it’s time to gear up.

    • MNAngler says:

      I started ice fishing in earnest last year. Hope to get out several times this winter with my neighbors. And yes, you’re right. I do believe it is time to gear up.

  6. Wolfy says:

    Tis the season of Hallo-Thank-Mas, where Halloween/ Thanksgiving / Christmas roll themselves into a big ball of commercialized crap.

    Is WAY too late to stop my skin from turning green – where’s that damned little dog? I need to tie on his antlers.

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