Archive for February, 2011

Success at an Ice Fishing Get-Together

Posted by MNAngler On February - 27 - 20114 COMMENTS
Success at an Ice Fishing Get-Together

I had opportunity to participate in an Ice Fishing Get-together sponsored by a local bar on Saturday. It wasn’t called a tournament because of the legalities of such a moniker, but it had all the makings of one: an entry fee, prizes for the biggest and smallest fish, and a raffle. The Get-together started at 10am, but I was late due to being a chauffeur to little boy to a play date. I didn’t get on the ice and start fishing until just before 11. I found out about this event through... (more...)

Ice Fishing in a Blizzard

Posted by MNAngler On February - 20 - 20114 COMMENTS
Ice Fishing in a Blizzard

The local weathermen were all in a tizzy the past few days because they were predicting a storm to rival the one that hit us last Dec 11. By 1:30pm, the snow was supposed to be coming down in full force, but it wasn’t snowing that heavily. It was just windy. The snow was falling sideways. But that wasn’t going to deter us true Minnesotans from venturing out to try to catch us some fish. My 3 neighbors and I went out to Lake Owasso for the afternoon to see if we could land some walleyes. When... (more...)

Review : Frabill Pro-Thermal Tip-up Combo

Posted by MNAngler On February - 18 - 20115 COMMENTS
Review : Frabill Pro-Thermal Tip-up Combo

Every week, the Outdoor Blogger Network holds a contest and gives away some gear to its members. The catch is that you have to review any product that you win. Back in December, they gave away some really cool ice fishing equipment and I was picked as a winner for the Frabill Pro-Thermal Tip-up Combo. Unfortunately, I only had once chance to use it in December and none in January. I finally got a second chance to use it when my brother was in town recently so I now feel better about doing a review.... (more...)

Master of Ice Crappie

Posted by MNAngler On February - 13 - 201111 COMMENTS
Master of Ice Crappie

I was finally able to do some ice fishing last Friday afternoon with my brother, Vince, and a friend of his. Vince was in town to surprise my dad for his milestone birthday. Vince and I spent some time with family (my aunt flew in for the surprise as well) in the morning and met up with his friend later in the afternoon. The three of us didn’t get on the lake until 4pm. When we got to the lake, we found several makeshift ice fishing towns. We picked the one with the most houses and set... (more...)

Ice Fishing for a Good Cause

Posted by MNAngler On February - 8 - 20115 COMMENTS
Ice Fishing for a Good Cause

This past weekend, I had an opportunity to fish two different ice fishing tournaments. The problem was, they were at the same time. So I had to make a choice. I opted for the closer tournament that looked like it might have fewer people. Not to mention that it was for a good cause. The tournament I picked was the Holes for Heroes tournament on Medicine Lake in Plymouth. It was mainly a fundraiser for the Fishing for Life organization, but was also intended to highlight the armed forces and... (more...)

Happy Chinese New Year

Posted by MNAngler On February - 3 - 2011ADD COMMENTS
Happy Chinese New Year

From my family to yours, I would like to wish you a prosperous and bountiful (fish or otherwise) Year of the Rabbit. [ The picture above makes me want to get my pellet gun. I haven’t seen many bunnies in my yard this winter, but their tracks keep showing up. ] Share this:FacebookTwitterRedditEmailLike this:Like Loading... Read More →