Archive for January, 2012

Help with Blog Contest

Posted by MNAngler On January - 10 - 20121 COMMENT
Help with Blog Contest

I read on the Outdoor Blogger Network that 5.11 Tactical is holding an adventure contest. Yes, the page says the deadline was Jan 9, but OBN assures me I have until Friday morning, Jan 13. The main rule says, “We want to hear about your outdoor adventures – this can be anything related to your experiences in the outdoors.” I don’t have an idea for a new post (as I haven’t done anything outdoors for about 4 months), so I’m going to submit one of my posts that has... (more...)

Minnesota BassProShops? Not.

Posted by MNAngler On January - 5 - 201211 COMMENTS
Minnesota BassProShops?  Not.

Last May, I wrote an open letter to BassProShops asking them to open a store in Minnesota. In my idyllic mind, I saw my post collecting thousands of signatures (i.e. comments) to start a grass roots effort that ultimately brought BassProShops to Minnesota. Well, that didn’t happen. Frankly, I was surprised there wasn’t more interest. But, no matter. Yesterday, Macy’s Inc. announced they would be closing the Bloomingdale’s store at the Mall of America. The store anchored... (more...)

Goals for 2012

Posted by MNAngler On January - 1 - 20122 COMMENTS
Goals for 2012

Happy New Year! I haven’t had all that much time to think about what I want to accomplish this year fishing-wise. The Lego League season and holiday season has kept my mind too occupied. So I’m going to cheat a little. Because I did so poorly in my goals from 2011, I’m going to carry them over. But I’m also going to make a couple of adjustments because of my new job. Fish at least once a month during open water bass season Float tube at least four times during open water... (more...)