MNAngler, Jr. and Crispy Fins

Posted by MNAngler On August - 6 - 2012

As much as I would like to take MNAngler, Jr. out fishing more often, opportunities are few and far between.

I bought him a new fishing rod a few weeks ago because last fall, he dropped his Spiderman rod and reel in the lake. Then the replacement Transformers rod and reel promptly broke. This time I invested in a beginner’s panfish fishing kit combo instead of a youth pole. Hopefully, it will hold up better, assuming MNAngler, Jr. can hold on to it. The rod is taller than he is, but judging by the fact that his first cast with it went clear across the backyard, I think he’ll do fine with it.

We got a chance to put his skills to the test last week. We went to a local park that has a small lake and fishing pier. I figured we’d start him off with a speed craw and see if he was able to hook into a bucketmouth. We could see sunnies swimming below us, so I knew that was always an option to get some action.

Unfortunately, the speed craw wasn’t working its magic and MNangler, Jr. quickly got bored. I changed his set up to a bobber and hook and put on a Berkeley Gulp panfish worm that came with his rod and reel.

It wasn’t long until he got one:

Unfortunately, the sunnies were particularly crafty that day and we only got one more during the time we were there.

A couple of winters ago, MNAngler, Jr. got a taste for “crispy fins” when the neighbors and I scored a bunch of crappie while ice fishing. Mrs. MNAngler fried them up in a pan and the fins crisped up like potato chips. MNAngler, Jr. loved them so much, he’s been talking about them ever since. As a result, we brought home the two mini-sunnies for him to get his crispy fins.

I cleaned them that night and a few days later, Mrs. MNAngler used some salt, pepper, and flour to give our son his fin chips. He even ate a bit of the meat.

(Apologies for my lame picture taking skills.)

We’re headed to my dad’s cabin in a few weeks, so I’m hoping to take him out in the canoe a few times to see if he can score his first bass. I really enjoyed going out with him last year, so I’m looking forward to doing it again.

2 Responses to “MNAngler, Jr. and Crispy Fins”

  1. Sang says:

    You should look into some of these rod floats for fishing with your little guy:

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