When I was out on my first outing of 2014, I got a text from my brother-in-law, George. He was at Greg’s cabin fishing with Greg and caught a nice little Northern. Wanting to make sure I get out often with Greg this year, I texted him directly and asked him when we were going fishing. We connected up a few weeks later.
We hit a very popular local lake in the Northern suburbs. We scheduled to meet in the evening and got on the water a bit after 6pm. We first hit a weed island not far from the boat launch. We sat about 50 feet off the weeds and cast into the weed edge.
I was the first on the board with a KVD red ocho worm rigged wacky style. I love fishing wacky style because you can usually see the fish take it before you feel it. In this case, I saw the line tighten before I set the hook. It was a nice 13″. A decent first fish of the year.
That was my last red ocho, so I switched to a green watermelon from a different brand. I felt a little resistance on one of my pulls and set the hook on this nice 15″.

In my day job, I develop apps for smartphones and I often test out new technology. Since October, I’ve been the proud owner of Google Glass, a new wearable computer. Last fall, I only got to take out on the lake once, but I hope to use it often this season. The great thing about it is you can use it hands free by giving it voice commands. It will take pictures and video in the first person point of view. It’s kind of like a lightweight GoPro and much less obtrusive. Here, I was able to video the catch of the fish above.
I hope to take a lot more videos like this in the coming months.
After my first two fish, Greg switched to a wacky rig and caught a 14″ on a black worm.
It quieted down a bit after that so we moved to the island nearby. We sat windward of the island and Greg hooked into a nice Northern, but lost it at the boat. It looked like a good 24″. I had one light hit but no other action.
Using my new Sonarphone, we found a shelf near shore and fished that for a while with no luck, so we headed back to the reed island. I landed two more little 12-inchers before we called it a night.
Overall, a good outing with 6 total fish, 5 in the boat. I look forward to more outings with Greg this summer.