
Chandeleiring Ice

Posted by MNAngler On May - 2 - 2013ADD COMMENTS
Chandeleiring Ice

Sometimes Mother Nature creates contradictions that some might call an oxymoron. A common example of this is known as a sun-shower (rain while it the sun is shining). A happy consequence of such an occurrence is a rainbow. If you’re lucky, you might see a double rainbow. This past weekend, with the sudden change in temperature, it seems Winter and Spring collided and produced a different kind of oxymoron: 70 degree temperatures with ice still on local lakes. The consequence of this contradiction... (more...)

The Sure Thing

Posted by MNAngler On April - 10 - 20131 COMMENT
The Sure Thing

It’s been a weird Spring in Minnesota, even by Minnesota standards. Our average high these days is in the mid-50s, but we’ve only had one or two 50 degree F highs so far this year. And now, we’re expected to get 6-10 inches of snow by noon tomorrow. And the chances of it is 100%. By mid-March last year, the ice was gone and we had already seen 80 degrees. This year, it’s nearly mid-April and the ice just started showing signs of receding from shore. What a difference... (more...)

Yosemite Frazil Ice

Posted by MNAngler On April - 12 - 20111 COMMENT

The average temp in Minnesota this time of year is around 55 degrees. But this last weekend, it hit 70 degrees F and ice out happened overday (as opposed to overnight) for many local lakes. So in keeping with the warming/melting theme, I wanted to show what happens in Yosemite this time of year. This video made the rounds several months ago. I forget where I first heard about it, but it’s worth another look even if you’ve seen it before. It’s amazing how the ice moves like a... (more...)

60″ Muskie Caught on Lake Vermillion

Posted by MNAngler On January - 5 - 20114 COMMENTS
60" Muskie Caught on Lake Vermillion

Check out this 60-inch muskie that was caught by Kevin Walsh of Ellendale, MN. He caught it fishing with his buddy on Lake Vermillion in Northern Minnesota on October 16, 2010. This is another story I didn’t get around to posting this fall. It just goes to show that the big ones come out to feed in the fall. I caught mine in October, 2008, a possible record muskie was caught in October, 2009, and now this one. What monster will be reported in October, 2011? Read the original story: Minnesota... (more...)

13 Year Old Girl Catches Record Striped Bass

Posted by MNAngler On January - 4 - 20112 COMMENTS
13 Year Old Girl Catches Record Striped Bass

Last March, I did a post about a 14 year old girl catching a Kentucky state record muskie. That was impressive, but this past fall, she was outdone by someone younger. I heard about this about the time the story came out, but never got around to posting it. Last October, it was reported that at 13 year old girl may have caught a junior world record striped bass. Juliana Merighi caught the monster in Delaware Bay waters on October 24, 2010. It weighed 58 pounds and was 54 inches long. Juliana... (more...)

Fisherman Scores on His 101st Birthday

Posted by MNAngler On December - 16 - 20104 COMMENTS
Fisherman Scores on His 101st Birthday

Check out this really cool video of Kermit Wick, who turned 101 today. To celebrate, he went ice fishing. What else would a Minnesotan do? He scored a really nice fish. One any angler would be envious of. If you can’t play the video above, try it on the KARE11 web site (in the right column). The story was put together by reporter Boyd Hupert, who occasionally does human interest stories called Land of 10,000 Stories on our local NBC affiliate KARE11. He does a really good job on them.... (more...)

Mississippi River Fish Kill

Posted by MNAngler On April - 2 - 20101 COMMENT
Mississippi River Fish Kill

Two months ago, a local news station ran a story about a YouTube video of a fish kill found in Pool 4 of the Mississippi River. According to the report, it “angered” anglers because “fishing blogs erupted with comments like ‘what a waste’ and ‘that’s a shame.'” The news story goes on to say that the commercial fishermen did nothing illegal when they harvested 150,000 pounds of buffalo fish and blamed a new Minnesota law for the fish kill. The law... (more...)

14 Year Old Girl Catches Record Muskie

Posted by MNAngler On March - 27 - 20104 COMMENTS
14 Year Old Girl Catches Record Muskie

Having been on a roll (get it? “Blogroll”) by publishing five days in a row, I thought I might go for seven. Fortunately for you, I thought the better of it. I didn’t want to burn you (or me) out. Nor did I want to get branded as a spammer to my email subscribers. So after a few days rest, I’m back. Did you miss me? I came across this video that told the story of a 14 year old Kentucky girl, Sarah Terry, that caught a new Kentucky state record muskie last fall. View... (more...)


Posted by MNAngler On February - 26 - 2010ADD COMMENTS

I was looking for new people to follow on Twitter today when I found @ladysportsman. She works for the communications department of the Sportsman Channel. After following her, I got a message that she was coming into town this weekend for the Sportsman Channel’s Hunt.Fish.Feed. event. Hunt.Fish.Feed.SM is a really cool initiative to encourage sportsmen to donate their extra game meat and fish to hunger relief organizations to help fight hunger. They started in Las Vegas earlier this year... (more...)

Vermont State Record Walleye

Posted by MNAngler On February - 24 - 20102 COMMENTS
Vermont State Record Walleye

Richard Levesque scored a new Vermont state record walleye when he caught a 14 ½ lb walleye through ice! He landed it on February 10th on Lake Champlain using a tip-up and golden shiner. Can you imagine pulling out that monster out of a 6″ diameter hole? The picture above doesn’t look much like there would be ice on the lakes in Vermont. Levesque is in a light jacket, he has no gloves, and there’s no snow in sight. The picture would be very different if taken in Minnesota. What... (more...)